Definitions form the cornerstone for any part of legislation. In the AODA (Accessibility for Ontarians with
Disabilities Act), definitions are very important. Here are some key definitions in the Act.
Accessibility: Accessibility refers
to the design of products, devices, services, or environments for people who
experience disabilities. Ontario has laws to improve accessibility for
people with disabilities, including the Accessibility for Ontarians with
Disabilities Act (AODA), the Ontario Human Rights Code, and the Ontario
Building Code.
AODA: The Accessibility for Ontarians
with Disabilities Act (AODA) seeks to ensure that all Ontarians have fair
and equitable access to programs and services and to improve opportunities for
persons with disabilities. The Act address barriers in Customer
Service; Information and Communication; Employment; Transportation; the
Design of Public Spaces
Barrier: A barrier
is a circumstance or obstacle that keeps people apart. For people with
disabilities, barriers can take many forms including attitudinal,
communication, physical, policy, programmatic, social, and transportation.
Disability: A disability is a
physical or mental condition that limits a person’s movements, senses, or
activities. The AODA uses the same definition of disability as the Ontario Human Rights Code.
IASR: The AODA has five Standards which are
included in the Integrated Accessibility Standards (IASR). These include the
Customer Service Standard; Employment Standard; Information and
Communication Standard; Design of Public Spaces Standard;
the Transportation Standard; as well as some general requirements.
OBC: The Building Code Act is
the legislative framework governing the construction, renovation and
change-of-use of a building. The Ontario
Building Code (OBC) is a regulation under the Act that establishes detailed
technical and administrative requirements as well as minimum standards
for building construction. The Act was amended on January 1,
2015 to include requirements that enhance accessibility in newly
constructed buildings and existing buildings that are to be extensively
Standard: The Act operates by bringing accessibility
standards into regulation. Accessibility standards are laws that individuals,
government, businesses, nonprofits, and public sector organizations must follow
in order to become more accessible. The accessibility standards contain
timelines for the implementation of required measures and help organizations
identify, remove, and prevent barriers in order to improve accessibility
for people with disabilities.
What barriers is
your organization removing to help people with disabilities?
If you are interested in learning more about Accessibility for Ontarians with
Disabilities Act (AODA) or
how to make accessibility a natural part of your business through the
application of Corporate
Social Responsibility, please
contact Sandra Broekhof
@ 416-579-1035